Consumer Social Intelligence Safety and Security Report 2024​

Key Opportunities

Thailand (EN)    |    01 Oct 2023 - 31 Mar 2024

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1. Educate consumers on variety of fake loans such as enticing interest rates​

Addressable Insight:

Loans were the most discussed non-card service (nearly 2.4K posts) and accounted for the highest peaks. People shared about a variety of different deceptions, including warnings on X about fake loan scams that take place on Facebook. Scammers masqueraded as banks, enticing victims with loan offers and exploiting personal data. Consumers cautioned against scams that involved fraudulent loan fees that were then retained by scammers. Fake loan offers promising large credit limits over five years were also shared on Facebook.

Action Items:

To educate customers who are of legal age to take out loans, banks may run social media and email campaigns, covering these loan scam tactics, such as the payment of loan fees or large credit limits. These campaigns should also provide guidance on identifying fraudulent loans and reporting them effectively.


Key Message

How to be wary of online loan offers which are too good to be true.



Any bank customers who are of legal age to take out a loan.


Proposed Actions

Banks and financial institutions can enlighten individuals to better understand and identify these loan scam tactics. If appropriate, they could also offer guidance on what these consumers should do if they suspect they are getting scammed or what do to if they have been scammed.


2. Educate consumers about reporting fraud to government agencies​

Addressable Insight:

In discussions on online fraud, multiple consumers shared stories of them falling victim to scams. People discussed two phone hotlines that consumers can call. 1441 (2584 posts in total) was described as a “one-stop shop” to report fraud, created by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the Cyber Crime Division (among others). 1212 (131 posts) was publicised as a hotline for reporting problems/fraud or asking for advice regarding online purchases. To help reduce issues with online purchases, consumers were advised to check other customers' comments and reviews, and to verify the name/account number of the store before transferring any money.

Action Items:

Banks should consider email marketing and social media campaigns to educate customers on reporting fraud on government set up phone hotlines. Content would be teaching them about how to report fraud on the phone numbers and the scenarios in which they can report the fraud.


Key Message

Use government phone hotlines to report problems/fraud or seek advice regarding online purchases.



All consumers, but particularly those who use online banking.


Proposed Actions

Banks and financial institutions can educate consumers on how to report fraud on government phone hotline numbers. They can also provide guidance on how to use the portal and scenarios for which fraud can be reported.

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