Consumer Social Intelligence Safety and Security Report 2024​

Key Opportunities

Philippines (EN)    |    01 Oct 2023 - 31 Mar 2024

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1. Educate customers about unsolicited phone calls and reminder of banks’ policies on calls and information requests​

Addressable Insight:

The theme of awareness around unsolicited calls from banks and financial institutions arose multiple times. A financial company posted a Christmas-themed cash giveaway on Facebook, asking for comments about vigilance against finance scams in which people shared about avoiding calls from unknown numbers. In identity theft discussions, a bank's customer shared a scam call experience about a fake credit card upgrade. A bank warned against “vishing” (voice phishing, 200 comments), with people commenting about their own experiences.

Action Items:

Banks might conduct email marketing and social media campaigns to educate all their customers about "vishing".  Further analysis could be carried out to see if the word "vishing" is increasing in use and should be considered for widespread use in content. Furthermore, banks could use their own social channels to post their own quizzes, like the Christmas-themed example, to better understand their own customers' awareness of safety and security.  Content could cover the tactics that scammers use when making contact on the phone. Customers should also be informed about what the bank's own representatives will or will not say or ask for in outbound phone calls. The content should additionally guide customers on steps to take if they suspect they are receiving a fraudulent phone call.


Key Message

Unsolicited phone calls from financial institutions – how to avoid being scammed on the phone. 


All bank and financial institution customers who could be targeted by these scams.

Proposed Actions

Banks and financial institutions have the opportunity to educate their customers on identifying fraudulent phone calls. They can also provide guidance on what actions consumers should take if they suspect a scam or if they have fallen victim to one. 

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