Consumer Social Intelligence Safety and Security Report 2024​

Key Opportunities

Vietnam (EN)    |    01 Oct 2023 - 31 Mar 2024

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1. Raise awareness about the most prevalent scam type for both cards and non-card services : phishing scams​

Addressable Insight:

Phishing generated over 7 out of 10 mentions for both bank card and non-card services fraud type discussions. Notable cases discussed included a victim losing 1.3 billion dong to a fake online store scheme and other potential victims narrowly avoided phishing scams via fake credit card offers and unsolicited calls. An account on X shared the top 20 online phishing scams of 2023, although the source was not cited. The top three were: 1) impersonating law enforcement, 2) posing as bank staff for software theft and 3) 4G SIM card upgrades scam.

Action Items:

Bank customers could be educated about the different types of phishing scams that fraudsters might perpetrate and should be reminded to never share personal or financial information in unsolicited communications, regardless of the caller’s alleged authenticity. Banks can educate through social media and email campaigns, explaining the types of scams that individuals might attempt and advise their customers to always hang up and verify any unsolicited calls.


Key Message

Stay safe when dealing with unsolicited communications and understand what phishing is.



All customers that could be susceptible to some of the advanced techniques that scammers use.


Proposed Actions

Banks and financial institutions should provide exhaustive guidance on identifying and avoiding phishing, along with advising on appropriate actions if individuals suspect that they have encountered a scammer or fallen victim to a scam.

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