Consumer Social Intelligence
Safety and Security Report 2024

Vietnam (EN)    |   01 Oct 2023 - 31 Mar 2024

What's New?

As our safety and security report continues to evolve, we are excited to announce several significant enhancements, compared to the reports from 2023.

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Cybersecurity section offers insights on cyber threats and effective safety measures

This section offers issuers an understanding of cyber threats, allowing them to reduce risks and strategically plan for enhanced security measures. Mastercard Insight Platform is used as a source to provide issuers with information like total number of attacks, type of attacks etc.

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Analysis time period extended from 3 to 6 months

An extended analysis time period allows us a more comprehensive understanding of trends, allowing long-term pattern analysis rather than solely focusing on short-term fluctuations. Furthermore, extended time ensures that there are less chances of repeated scams being discussed.

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Restructured content to minimize repetition of scams

We have restructured the project to concentrate on bank cards and non-bank card aspects to reduce the possibility of repetition of scams across sections.



Consumer conversations were measured in volume of mentions

18.3k mentions

about digital payment safety and security were gathered for cards and non-card services

Key Topics

Additional topics were created to focus on specific aspects of the safety and security conversations. The topics selected for deeper analysis are as follows.

The conversations were segmented into categories and subcategories based on key topics of interest to facilitate the analysis of trends and key themes.

Includes conversations where specific bank cards are mentioned.

Subcategories: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards.

Includes conversations related to common card related fraud.

Subcategories: Cloning, Identity theft/phishing, Lost/stolen, Others.

Includes conversations related to specific non-card services.

Subcategories: Online Banking, Digital Wallet, Bank Transfer, Loan.

Includes conversations related to common non-card services related fraud.

Subcategories: Malware, one-time-password (OTP) fraud, Identity theft/phishing, Others.

Includes fraud/scam conversations related to cyber attacks and insights from MC internal platform highlighting trends of cyber attacks in banking industry.

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