Consumer Social Intelligence Safety and Security Report 2024​

Executive Summary

Singapore    |   01 Oct 2023 - 31 Mar 2024



Reports from 2023 were analysed vis-à-vis the insights in the current report and new emerging themes that stood out have been summarized below:


Emergence of sophisticated scam tactics

This report highlights a surge in sophisticated scam tactics, including spoofed bank SMS messages using advanced technology and making convincing fake websites impersonating reputable brands. Leveraging social media platforms to lure victims into divulging personal and financial information reflects the heightened adaptability among fraudsters.


Increase in phishing scams

There is a notable surge in phishing discussions, spanning diverse platforms like fast-food chains, hotel booking sites and online marketplaces. This uptick signals a dynamic cyber threat landscape and the advancing tactics of scammers in exploiting vulnerabilities across different sectors, posing greater risks to individuals and businesses alike.


Focus on mobile security

There are heightened concerns among consumers over mobile security particularly regarding measures like physical tokens to safeguard against mobile-based fraud. This exhibits growing awareness of the risks and the importance of securing personal data on smartphones.


Attention to customer service requests

There is growing dissent with customers in relation to handling of customer service requests. There are complaints regarding slow response times, alleged negligence in addressing fraudulent transactions and technical difficulties with new security features. This theme underscores the importance of efficient and effective customer support in addressing fraud-related concerns and enhancing consumer trust.


Executive Summary

This analysis utilises social media data to provide consumer insights on safety and security concerns regarding financial payments, along with key trends, needs and pain points.


about cards and non-card services related to digital payment safety and security.


in discussions about non-card services compared to the prior 6 months.


Number of bank card conversations remain relatively similar compared to the prior 6 months.


in phishing discussions due to emerging scams such as hotel booking scams, listed item selling scams, fake fast food company scams etc.


in Digital Wallet discussions due to people preferring it for safety reasons. For example, using digital wallet to prevent saving card details on the websites.

Bank Cards Updates

Form-jacking, fake reservation links and SMS bank spoofing came up as new scams since last year.

Form-jacking: Consumers explained how scammers injected malicious code into websites on public Wi-Fi to steal credit card details entered on online forms.

Hotel Reservation Scam: Scammers posing as fake representatives of hotels access guests credit card information by sending fake phishing reservation links.

100+ victims tricked by scammers via spoofing bank SMS scam. SMS sent to users contained links leading to fake banking websites where victims were tricked into entering their login ID, password and OTP.

Non-Cards Services Updates

New scams related to fake fast-food website and fake ads lead to long debates.

Fast-food company scam: Victims were tricked to enter credit card details while placing orders on deceptive fast food company website.

Facebook ad phishing scam targeted organic egg buyers by showing fake ads, where customers entered bank login details, resulting in S$150K fraud.

Fraud related to cyber attacks

Cyber attacks dominated discussions as a prevalent type of fraud.

Customers expressed concerns about various cyber related attacks. Out of all the fraud type discussions for Bank Cards and Non-Card services , ~ 60% were related to cyber attack. There were total 322 total attacks in Oct 2023- Mar 2024 on banks in Singapore, 57% of which were executed through malware, email phishing, and ransomware techniques.

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