
Consumer Social Intelligence Safety and Security Report 2024

Key Topics

Indonesia (EN)    |   01 Oct 2023 - 31 Mar 2024

Payment methods

Bank Cards Conversation

Credit cards viewed as safer online option due to concerns over security of contactless card which sparked fraudulent activities.

Share of Voice Bank Cards


This chart shows the number of posts from the main search query that mentions specific bank cards and the % of conversations related to each type of card. Shares/Reposts are included. The % change in volumes is compared to the previous six months.

Vigilance and Prevention Techniques

  • Contactless debit card fraud risk and prevention advice

    People discussed the potential fraud risk of contactless debit cards during lost/stolen debit cards and advised turning off the contactless feature in the bank app's settings.

  • Credit card vs. debit card: online safety perceptions​

    People compared credit and debit cards, generally considering credit cards safer for online use due to better fraud resolution by banks.

  • Consumer advice on fraud prevention

    People shared fraud prevention tips; advising that banks will not ask for data via weblinks, to be wary of suspicious SMS messages and to contact the bank call center immediately.

  • Indonesian police warn against card skimming

    Indonesian police warned about card skimming, advising against sharing or storing bank credentials online. Users are advised to monitor card statements and to manage card settings via bank apps.

  • Prepaid card advice to prevent debit card fraud

    People recommend using prepaid cards for online purchases to mitigate debit card fraud as scammers gaining access to card details can easily deplete savings.

What People Are Saying

“Debit cards can be used for online shopping. However, credit cards use bank money. If something happens, the bank will try more.”

"I have an account at [bank name], almost every day you get calls from insurance agents, credit card duplication, cash disbursement, etc. from people who claim to be @[BankName] CustomerCare sometimes I get fed up too.”

"Attention: Tips for securing Credit or Debit Cards from e-Skimming if you don't want to suffer from bad luck.

Card skimming: a method thieves use to collect data from the magnetic stripe of a credit or debit card. Keep Data Safe #BewareDigitalCrimes.” 

Bank Cards - Fraud Types Conversation

OTP fraud leading to identity theft on senior citizens as well as contactless scams, unauthorized insurance and deceptive transaction alert scams were highlighted.

Share of Voice Bank Cards - Fraud Types


This chart shows the number of posts from the main search query that mentions specific fraud types within the bank cards conversation and the % of conversations related to each type of fraud. Shares/Reposts are included. The % change in volumes is compared to the previous six months.

Scam Types

  • Consumer defrauded of 60 million Rupiah via contactless card scam

    Consumer lost 60 million Rupiah after scammers accessed their debit card and used its contactless feature for the scam.

  • Unauthorized insurance charges scam

    Consumer incurred unauthorized insurance charges on their credit card after sharing card details during phone call from scammers.

  • Credit card fraud scheme: deceptive transaction alerts

    Scammers deceived users by alerting them to fraudulent transactions on their credit cards. They offered to send a form to block the transactions, gaining access to personal details indirectly.

  • Scam exploits older generation's online security knowledge gap

    The older generation's lack of online security understanding leads to scams, as one mother unwittingly provides her OTP during a fraudulent phone call.

What People Are Saying

“Yesterday I dodged a bullet from a credit card scammer. In the evening, almost leaving work, I received a call claiming to be from the bank, offering promotions and increasing my credit card limit. The caller mentioned my details one by one and everything seemed accurate until they asked for my card details for verification.”

“That's right, maybe our generation already knows automatically that this is a secret. But my mother's generation doesn't even understand using e-banking, they never use an ATM card (even if they have one), there's a real risk of getting scammed :(“

“💚 My [bank name] debit card is still old (front card.) Thank goodness I didn't upgrade the [bank name] contactless device (back card). context : thread 60 million was robbed because he used a [bank name] contactless debit card”

Bank Cards Conversation Over Time, Oct’23 to Mar’24

Discussions centered on various types of card fraud and advice, including fraudster’s assistance to block fictitious transactions and fraudulent debit card transaction amounting to 20M Rupiah.

Chart displays daily conversation volumes (including shares/reposts) on ‘Bank cards’ category query. This visualisation is used to identify key stories (either from the news or social media) that drove conversations and consumer interest.

Payment methods

Non-Card Services Conversation

Concerns about Online Banking security, rise of cybercrime and online loan fraud as well as digital wallet safety prompts calls for stricter regulation and government action.

Share of Voice Non-card Services


This chart shows the number of posts from the main search query that mentions specific non-card services and the % of conversations related to each type of service. Shares/reposts are included. The % change in volumes is compared to the previous six months.

* Online banking refers to A2A (account to account) transfer using internet banking
** Banking transfer refers to offline banking

Vigilance and Prevention Techniques​

  • Scammers prompt digital wallet discussions

    Digital wallets were frequently discussed, with users posting screenshots of scammers’ social media and WhatsApp messages to warn others and offering mixed advice on using digital wallets for purchases.

  • Online loan fraud prompts government action

    Conversations on online loan fraud called for government action to block fraudulent bank accounts and urged caution when borrowing, with victims reporting fraud on platforms like

  • Emotional Impact of Loan-related Identity Theft

    People shared emotional distress caused by large loans taken using identity theft. Victims trust being abused by scammers taking loans under their identity, prompting for stricter loan regulations.

  • Online Banking Security and Malware Threats

    Users shared advice and warnings about malware spread through WhatsApp links, recommending changing email passwords and mobile banking PINs after such incidents.

  • Cybercrime in Various Regions

    A cybercrime consultant (16.4K followers) discussed tracking online fraud syndicates in Medan, Aceh, Lampung, Jakarta and Central Java. Victims faced frauds such as virtual adultery services, bank fraud and concert ticket fraud. Comments mentioned scams like fake customs officials and insurance claim fraud, with some hospitals in Medan blacklisted for alleged fraud.

What People Are Saying

"Guys, if there are people asking for donations for cats like in the screenshot, don't transfer funds. It's a scam. There are many accounts like this. Just search for their digital-wallet number, and you'll find threads about this scammer. Be aware, Guys. It's better to donate in real life instead. 💚"

"Immediately change the password for all email and important data. Change all mobile banking PINs. Check your transactions immediately. Empty your account or contact the bank to temporarily freeze it. New modus operandi."

"Customer transferred money for second hand motorcycle: He sent proof that the motorcycle was being packed, and I became more convinced because there were two other motorcycles also being packed. I thought that he was trustworthy. So, I video-called because deep down, I still had doubts, but I had already made the transfer."

Non-card Services - Fraud Types Conversation

Scams pertaining to online loans with unexpected funds deposited, personal account bank transfers for property/vehicle purchases were topics of discussion.

Share of Voice Non-card Services - Fraud Types


This chart shows the number of posts from the main search query that mentions specific fraud types within the non-card services and the % of conversations related to each type of fraud. Shares/Reposts are included. The % change in volumes is compared to the previous six months.

Scam Types

  • Bank Transfer Scam with Motorcycle Purchase

    A victim shared a bank transfer scam involving a motorcycle purchase. The buyer transferred money after seeing the seller's ID and photos of the motorcycle at a courier company. The seller then requested additional funds for insurance, which the buyer paid, after which the seller disappeared by blocking the buyer.

  • Unexpected Funds and Online Loan Scams

    A consumer discussed a scam where victims received unexpected funds in their bank accounts, followed by demands from online loan companies to repay. Even if returned, victims faced harassment with fake billing threats. Another victim shared about fraudulent loan apps misusing their data for unauthorized loans, leading to further financial loss despite seeking help.

  • Bank Transfer Scams in Property and Car Purchases​

    Users advised against transferring money to salesperson's personal account, especially for property or car purchases, recommending business accounts to avoid scams.

  • Malware-related Scams and Alerts​

    In malware-related conversations, people typically shared alerts about circulating malware scams and verified the authenticity of suspicious messages they received.

What People Are Saying

"Demand from online loan companies to repay money even when no loan is taken: It started with the sudden arrival of funds. After searching, they checked their tab application and found no bills. They tried contacting [digital wallet app name]’s customer service using the number from Instagram. They were told that the cancellation process would be initiated, and the money refunded."

"Assalamu'alaikum, Syariah Friends!Be careful! Even a short message can be a trap. Protect Your Personal Data from Phishing or SMS Smishing. Check out the full information here so we can all stay vigilant!"

"Later, if you click it, the malware will enter, so he can take over internet banking, via a request for an OTP code, so the OTP that enters will also enter his location. It's really dangerous and there are so many victims. There are various methods, including invitations, courier links, online tickets too."

Non-card Services Conversation Over Time, Oct’23 To Mar’24

Warnings on ticket scams, smartphone-related fraud, fake representatives on WhatsApp, fund transfers to personal accounts and online loan scams led to discussions on security of digital wallets and online transactions.

Chart displays daily conversation volumes (including shares/reposts) on ‘Non-card services’ category query. This visualisation is used to identify key stories (either from the news or social media) that drove conversations and consumer interest.

Indonesia Frauds/Scams Related to Cyber Attacks, Oct’23 to Mar’24

Concerns about cyber attacks on banking customers prompted analysis of cyber security threats in Indonesia’s banking industry.

Cyber Attack Events on Banks in Indonesia¹

Cyber Attack Methods on banks¹

  1. Mastercard Cyber Insights Data. Based on data for the period Oct 2023 – Mar 2024
  2. Malware - Malware performs undesirable operations such as data theft or some other type of computer compromise. Some of the main types of malware include trojans, viruses, worms and spyware.
  3. Mobile device attacks - Mobile device attack focus on disrupting, gathering sensitive information and gaining access to mobile devices (such as iOS, Android, Windows, etc.)
  4. Email Phishing - Attack patterns within this category focus on the manipulation and exploitation of people using e-mails. Attack examples are Spam, Scams, Phishing and Spear-Phishing.
  5. Others include ransomware, web phishing, injection, pretexting, command and control, denial of service and legitimate tools techniques.

Cyber attacks dominated discussions as a prevalent type of fraud

  • There were a total of 224 attacks in Oct 2023- Mar 2024 on banks in Indonesia, 58% of which were executed through malware, email phishing and ransomware techniques.

  • Out of all the fraud-type discussions for Bank Cards and Non-Card services, ~ 32% were related to cyber attacks (22% in bank cards, 43% in non-card services). 83% of cyber attack discussions under bank card services were associated with credit cards, while 42% of cyber attack discussions under non-bank card services were related to Online Banking.

  • 91% of the cyber attacks are found within online news and are primarily associated with attacks on banking institutions and infrastructure. These attacks often capture fraud that boasts high levels of sophistication, through compromising or impersonating organizations and businesses.

Best practices that can be deployed by banks to enhance cyber controls:

  • Establish a non-negotiable cybersecurity culture by strengthening awareness and training program.
  • Collect, monitor and analyze information to build cyber intelligence to make informed data backed security decisions. 
  • Establish a program to allow you to manage and monitor your critical third parties to prevent their risk becoming your risk. 
  • Effective management of patches and vulnerabilities.  

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